Successfully engaging HCPs is key to ensuring a therapy reaches patients throughout the lifecycle, which is why insight into their priorities has never been more crucial. At conversationHEALTH, we have access to first-party data, including physician inquiries across specialties — these are the questions HCPs ask most frequently before they prescribe.
“What is the cost of this drug and does public insurance cover it?” Cost may affect a patient’s willingness to start a drug and remain compliant, which is why it’s consistently top of mind.
“How can I get samples sent to my clinic?” As most life sciences companies already know, providing samples to their prescribers at crucial intervals is paramount to a drug being adopted.
“Can you send me studies on this drug?” HCPs need clinical trial data to make informed decisions on the potential risks and benefits of a therapy, otherwise, they may not trust it.
“Where can this drug be obtained?” Quite simply, if patients can’t access a drug, they can’t take it.
“What support materials do you have for my patients?” HCPs frequently ask conversational agents for educational materials for their patients to supplement in-office counseling.