Announcing Swoop’s Brand Refresh
By: Marcella Milliet Sciorra, Chief Marketing Officer
1 min read
Swoop Jun 14, 2023 11:00:00 AM
Pharmaceutical companies want to drive disease awareness, guide treatment options and establish their brand as the therapy of choice.
Pharmaceutical companies want to drive disease awareness, guide treatment options and establish their brand as the therapy of choice. However, most marketers rarely consider the content, message and channel preferences of patient populations and their HCPs at key intervals of their health journey. The result is wasted spend engaging the wrong audience, a lack of conversion and failure to elevate script lift. Swoop is changing all of this.
A pharmaceutical company wanted to increase HCP brand awareness for a tardive dyskinesia therapy, specifically among those prescribing competitive treatments and practicing in low access priority office locations.
While legacy demographic targeting limited the effectiveness and value of engaging HCPs via television, NPI-to-device matching allows marketers to optimize TV advertising reach and frequency for better engagement, greater conversion and increased Rx lift. Swoop used its device graph to target low access, competitive-writing HCPs at the household level with unskippable :60 commercials while they streamed their favorite shows.
More than 5,000 neurologists, psychiatrists and PCPs were served over 500,000 impressions. Among them, PCPs were the most receptive, demonstrating 43% lift. The CTV promotion resulted in a 10% script lift leading to an incremental 130 New to Brand (NRx) starts within five months. Nearly $900k was generated in incremental lifetime patient value for the company, which benefited from a 12:1 ROI.
New York, NY, December 20, 2024- PM360's 13th Annual Innovations Issue recognizes Swoop for its cutting-edge contributions to data-driven healthcare...
By: Romain Bogaerts, VP Product
In the fast-paced world of healthcare marketing, timely insights can make or break a campaign.
Healthcare marketers...